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Traditional Orangery Extension and Glasshouse 



Private domestic

In progress


Project Description:


Hobbswell House has undergone many alterations over the years, with the loss of much historic fabric, yet still retaining a good degree of character and an impressive street facing facade. The house was built in 1823 by surgeon John Lawrence and had various different uses over the years. 


The Phase I proposals included the construction of a new double garage and workshop; replacement windows with hardwood double glazed replicas throughout; re-roofing the side hall and entrance alterations.

Planning Approval and Listed Building Consent was achieved in 2023. Our detailed assessment of the historic development and fabric of Hobbswell House confirmed its historical origins and identified where the significance was most concentrated, thus allowing justification for the proposed development.

The project is now in the build stage with design work also commencing on a round two of proposals for 2024. 

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